Kuwait B2B Database

The only database of companies in Kuwait that is individually verified.
Full Page ProfilesNotificationData ShareCloud StorageData Protection

Corporate Style

Full company information with details like Name, Employees, Management, Activities, Phone, Email, Website and more.
A company profile is a professional summary that describes a business and what it does.

Key Roles

Operational roles · Marketing specialist · Business analyst · Human resource personnel · Accountant · Sales representative · IT Manager · General Manager etc.

Decision Makers

A decision maker is the person or group of individuals who is responsible for making strategically important decisions based on a number of variables, including time constraints, resources available, the amount and type of information available and the number of stakeholders involved.

Sign Up

Get notified by email when the new update is released.
This enables you to easily and quickly learn about updates and make informed decisions.

Ms Excel Format

Share Data Securely with Partners, Suppliers or Customers & Increase Revenue Opportunities.
Multiple access is allowed.

No Restriction

The ability to share the same data resource with multiple applications or users.

Secure Storage

Data link is securely shared on Google Cloud Storage Drive.
Unlimited Access

No Restriction

New release or update can be accessed with a single link.


Data is fully protected by our team members.
No need to worry

Encrypted Files

All files uploaded to Drive or created in Docs, Sheets, and Slides are encrypted in transit and at rest with AES256 bit encryption.

Who We Are

We specialize in Data collection & management

Since 2008, the Kuwait B2B Data is the only individually verified and constantly updated database of companies in Kuwait. We strive to deliver the most accurate with each company verified, checked and double checked. It's been our core value that nothing is more important to you, the customer, than quality and accurate information on companies in Kuwait.

Reliable Data

Data reliability means that data is complete and accurate, and it is a crucial foundation for building data trust across the organization

99% Accuracy

We do not guarantee 100% accuracy as many companies shut down and employees switch their jobs.

We offer effective database

No dead or inactive companies listed with us and are either being updated or removed.


Our Clients


A true partnership is a two-way street — ideas and information flow openly and regularly, based on a foundation of mutual trust and respect for one another’s expertise — and our clients embrace this philosophy.

Our Pricing

We've set our database's price to be quite affordable.


4000+ Companies

USD 159

One Time

  • 4000+ Companies
  • Full Access
  • Free Next Update
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4000+ Companies

No matter how perfect is the modern technology, it will never fully replace the human-verified capabilities. This is the reason Kuwait B2B Data has more than several in-house employees that collect, organize and validate different datasets daily. Best of all, you get notified about these updates so you can fill your sales pipeline with new leads every day.